White matter neuroplastic changes in long-term trained players of the game of “Baduk”1 (GO)


"The results of our study revealed that Baduk experts develop
structural fronto–cingulo–striato–thalamic connectivity, as evidenced
by increased FA of WM tracts, as compared with those of non-experts.
These structures are associated with cognitive processes that include
spatial perception, attention, working memory, executive control, and
problemsolving (Chen et al., 2003). In addition, the experts' increased FA
in inferior temporal areas indicates that, unlike the situation in controls,
task-specific templates had developed in experts' neural mechanisms,
enabling the efficient operation of tasks related to playing Baduk (de
Rover et al., 2008). Right hemispheric dominance in Baduk experts also
suggests that the involved tasks are mainly spatial processes (Thomason
et al., 2009). Therefore, this study demonstrated that brain training, such
as that required to become an expert Baduk player, might cause structural
changes in the brain that are particularly helpful with regard to engaging
in such foundational tasks as learning, abstract reasoning, problemsolving,
and self-control."

"Baduk experts demonstrated slightly lower IQs than did controls
(mean±SD, 93.19±10.42 for Baduk experts, 101.21±13.11 for controls"





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