Kategori: Karışık Yazılar

  • hayırlı ramazanlar

    Dedim: Çok yalnızım.Dedin: … فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ Ben ki sana çok yakınım. (Bakara-186) Dedim: Evet biliyorum sen bana yakınsın ama ben senden uzağım, keşke ben de sana yakın olabilseydim.Dedin: وَاذْكُر رَّبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّعاً وَخِيفَةً وَ…

  • Almanca ögrenimi icin

    Avusturya”ya gelmeyi düsünen arkadaslar Almanca ögrenimi icin yaninizda bulundurmanizi tavsiye edecegim yayinlar sunlar: 1)Fono Almanca-Türkce ;Türkce-Almanca Büyük Sözlük 2)Her an basvurabilmemiz icin gerekli olan herhangi bir cep sözl…

  • How to write a paper in college/university:

    How to write a paper in college/university: 1. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place in front of your computer. 2. Log onto MSN and ICQ (be sure to go on away!). Check your email. 3. Read over the assignment carefully, to make c…

  • Drug-dealers vs software developers

    Drug dealers Software developers Refer to their clients as “users”. Refer to their clients as “users”. “The first one’s free!” “Download a free trial version…” Have important South-East Asian connections (to help move the stuff). Have important …

  • The Ultimate Rejection Letter

    The Ultimate Rejection Letter ________________________________ Herbert A. Millington Chair – Search Committee 412A Clarkson Hall, Whitson University College Hill, MA 34109 Dear Professor Millington, Thank you for your letter of March 16. After car…


    276 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE YOU MARRY WORK 1. Are you working on your chosen field? 2. How many hours a week do you work? 3. What does your job entail? (For example, do you often travel for business, work at home, performs dangerous tasks?) 4. Wha…

  • Origins of Tennis

    Origins of Tennis The origin of Tennis, like so many Sports and Games is something of a mystery with various theories having been espoused. One version would have us believe that Stone Age man once hit rocks backwards and forwards with clubs, perh…

  • The 10 most badass secret codes in history

    The 10 most badass secret codes in history (and how to crack them) In the words of Edgar Allen Poe “human ingenuity cannot concoct a cipher which human ingenuity cannot resolve”The act of creating secret messages has probably been around for as fa…

  • Follow these tips and ideas on how to learn English quickly:

    Follow these tips and ideas on how to learn English quickly: Listen to English every day *Listen to radio programs in English *Watch TV programs in English *Go to English-language movies Practice English conversation *Make an English/ESL friend *P…

  • turkish banks in austria

    DenizBank AG 1 Kärntner Ring 12 (EG), 1010 Viyana Tel:01 503 93 96 Fax:01 503 93 96 / 30 http://www.denizbank.at/ DenizBank AG 2 Kärntner Ring 14, 1010 Viyana Tel:01 503 93 96 / 326 Fax:01 503 93 96 / 136 http://www.denizbank.at/ VakifBank Interna…